My Softball Journey

 My Softball Journey

Hi, my name is Cabria Childers. This blog is going to tell you about my softball journey. I have played for quit a few teams between Chico, Ca and Redding, Ca. Each blog will be about a different chapter of my softball life.

I started playing softball when I was four years old. My life has always been revolved around it. I have played on so many different teams, met so many people, and created some of the most amazing memories.

The first travel ball team where I made some of my close friends to this day was called "Flex Fastpitch". I was eight years old when I joined this team and played with them for years. We won almost every tournament we were placed in. We also were in the NewspaperAnthony was our head coach and man was he an amazing guy. Practices weren't always sweet and dandy but he always stayed positive and kept pushing us. 

I then moved to another team but ended up reconnecting with a few of these girls and played on other teams with them. When I joined this team I was incredibly nervous because it was my very first travel ball team I played on. I ended up loving it and continued travel ball until I turned 18 and aged out. We used to go anywhere between southern California and Oregon. We played about six games a weekend and it was the most fun part of the season. Being motivated for practice was a struggle sometimes at this age. But as soon as I would get there I would remember how much I love it.

This team is what brought my passion for softball up. Traveling to different places and dominating was some of the best days of my life. I can remember us and our parents cheering like it was yesterday. These girls are now my family. This picture the the right was when we won the pink panther tournament and got put in the newspaper again.


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