Beginning of Highschool Softball

 Beginning of Highschool Softball

My Highschool journey started normal, I went to my classes started learning the balance of Highschool and sports. My freshman year was different for me because I had the idea of Highschool in my mind but still wanted to focus on my softball career. When spring came around and softball started I made the varsity team as a freshman. Being a freshman on the varsity team was a little nerve racking for sure. The older girls weren't so welcoming at first. Once we got to know each other they were so nice. Our team all hung out together out side of softball even with the age gap. My Highschool coach had been coaching me since I was nine years old in little league. I played with the three other varsity freshman including his daughter since I was nine as well. So these girls were already my family.

Everything was going great. games were just getting started then covid hit, within two weeks we were completely online and everything I had just gotten used to changed. Suddenly practices came to a stop and games became almost nonexistent. These girls who I had just met and soon became a second family with, celebrating birthdays, awards, commitments the seniors had made as they planned for their next steps all suddenly slowed down. This ended up becoming the new normal up until the end of my sophomore year when our lives sort of came back in our control.

My sophomore year was the first year I had gotten a complete Highschool softball season, it was filled with so many memories with my teammates and coaches. My sophomore year we only had one senior on the team. She was one of my best friends. One memory I will never forget is when we gave her a brand new glove on senior night for her to continue playing in college with because her glove was very old and falling apart. 

After our very last game of that season it was my 16th birthday so my team and I all went out to dinner together to celebrate my birthday. Playing varsity through my four years of Highschool will be an experience ill never forget.


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