Travel Softball

Travel Softball

Travel ball was another big part of softball for me. Not only do I love playing softball but, I also love traveling. Getting to pack my bags and spend a whole weekend out of town playing softball was so fun. Most the tournaments I played in were USSSA tournaments. We would usually leave super early in the morning to make it there as soon as the sun was coming up. We would play our first game pretty early in the morning. Then we would have two more pretty close after that. The games on Saturday is just pool games. So they decide who you play on Sunday by your wins and losses on Saturday. Then Sunday morning you go back out there and it is usually single elimination so once you loose your done until you get to the championship. My team would play about six games a weekend on average. We played out of town a lot but, it was also nice when we would have tournaments close to home. A lot of my tournaments were at Big League Dreams in Redding, Ca.

The best part is staying in the same hotel as your teammates. The memories I have made from travel ball alone are amazing.
We would all go have a team dinner somewhere or some people would just order food to the hotel. Then we would all go swimming until it was time for bed. In the morning we would all run into each other at the breakfast lobby in the hotel. 

Sunday morning would come and I remember rolling out of bed and my body being stiff as a board. Every muscle is tight from the three games the day before. I remember having to loosen my shoulder up before I could use it in the morning. Warm ups were always the worst Sunday morning. Once your all warm and loosened up you feel good as new. Most of my travel teams were good so we would almost always make it to the championship game. Didn't always win them but usually made it there.


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