
College Softball

  College Softball A few months before I graduated, the Feather River College softball coach was coming to my high school games. He texted and called me wanting me to come tour the college and play for him after I graduated. I was so excited to go tour this college.   Right before I toured Feather River, Butte College softball coach called me. She wanted me to come check it out and play for them. Her and her husband who is the assistant coach would come watch my high school games as well.  I wanted to keep my options open so I planned on touring both. I drove out to Quincy, it was a beautiful drive. The town was tiny. I was not sure if that is where I wanted to be for two years though. I would not be able to get through the snow in the winter time to see my family. The weight room was super old and they used another gym off campus because there's didn't have much. It was a cute town but did not feel like home to me. Then, I went and took a tour at Butte College. It was exactly

Last Year of Travel Ball

  Last Year of Travel Ball After high school I still had a few more months to play travel ball over the summer. I played for a coach that coached my travel team back when I was ten. Our team was honestly not very great. The girls on the team though were the sweetest. It was kind of just a team to stay warm for the ones going into college. You do not want to give your body to long of a break. And for the girls still in high school. 530 Elite wasn't the most serious team I have ever played for but it was a lot of fun. We did a lot of tournaments close to us so it wasn't a lot of traveling. When we did travel it was fun because we would stay up late with each other in our own hotel rooms. Our parents would still go out there and support like we were still ten years old.  It was also good family time with my parents because being an adult now I do not spend nearly as much time with them at home as I used to. I got to spend the whole weekend with my parents and no other distractio

Highschool Continued

  Highschool Continued During my back injury I was not sure if I was going to get to finish my high school seasons. Even though I was feeling so much better after seeing that doctor for a few months I was just super scared to reinflame it or injure it again. After lots of convincing from my coach I decided why not give it a try. As soon as it started hurting again I was going to stop playing immediately because I can not go through that ever again. I felt great getting back into it. My back felt great and I was ready to play again.  My junior year was a full season with no covid constrictions. We got first in league going 14-1. We almost went to state but came up just short in sections loosing the semi-final game. We were a very good team our seniors just were not in it anymore. We came out dead and never really got going. Us juniors going into our senior year took that fight with us though. We wanted it next year.  My senior season was unforgettable. With three starting freshman got

Back Injury

  Back Injury Some people only play softball in the Spring but, I play pretty much year round. So as soon as one season was over my next team started. During my freshman year of high school I started developing this strange back pain in my lower back. I kept going to the doctor and all they would say to do is ice and take ibuprofen. I continued to play through the pain except it continued to get worse and worse. The pain would get worse the more activity I was doing and just never get better. During the summer of my sophomore year in high school I was guest playing for a team in a PGF tournament because they needed a pitcher. It was a 4 day tournament but I couldn't make it past the second day. I was barely able to walk after the two games on the first day. Then when I woke up that next morning I could not get myself up. My parents had to get me up and help me out the door. In the middle of the game that day, by dad had them pull me because I was barely able to throw. We drove eigh

Beginning of Highschool Softball

  Beginning of Highschool Softball My Highschool journey started normal, I went to my classes started learning the balance of Highschool and sports. My freshman year was different for me because I had the idea of Highschool in my mind but still wanted to focus on my softball career. When spring came around and softball started I made the varsity team as a freshman. Being a freshman on the varsity team was a little nerve racking for sure. The older girls weren't so welcoming at first. Once we got to know each other they were so nice. Our team all hung out together out side of softball even with the age gap. My Highschool coach had been coaching me since I was nine years old in little league. I played with the three other varsity freshman including his daughter since I was nine as well. So these girls were already my family. Everything was going great. games were just getting started then covid hit, within two weeks we were completely online and everything I had just gotten used to c

Travel Softball

Travel Softball Travel ball was another big part of softball for me. Not only do I love playing softball but, I also love traveling. Getting to pack my bags and spend a whole weekend out of town playing softball was so fun. Most the tournaments I played in were  USSSA  tournaments. We would usually leave super early in the morning to make it there as soon as the sun was coming up. We would play our first game pretty early in the morning. Then we would have two more pretty close after that. The games on Saturday is just pool games. So they decide who you play on Sunday by your wins and losses on Saturday. Then Sunday morning you go back out there and it is usually single elimination so once you loose your done until you get to the championship. My team would play about six games a weekend on average. We played out of town a lot but, it was also nice when we would have tournaments close to home. A lot of my tournaments were at  Big League Dreams  in Redding, Ca. The best part is staying

Cottonwood Little League

 The next big chapter to my softball journey was when I moved to Cottonwood, CA I joined the Cottonwood Little League team. That is when I met the girls that I continued playing with until I graduated high school. My C oach, Willie Church coached me all the way from 9u little league to my senior year of high school.  This team was a small group of girls with big hearts out of the small town of Cottonwood.  It took two tryouts just to have enough girls to make a team. The first tryout only 6 girls showed up. So we obviously had to have a second one where 4 more came out. So now we have a team!    We played some mean softball .   In 2016, We won tournament of champions. We then won the district championship which advanced us to state.  We won  the District 1 Championship tournament undefeated advancing us to the California Northstate Regional 8-10 year old tournament July 2/3.  That weekend we sustained just one loss and advanced to the  Championship  Playoffs July 9/10. At this tournam